Publisher 2003 at wit's end...Preview will not display images, ash



I love the ease of setting up a page in MSPub 2003, but it's been 4 days
trying to get it to display in PREVIEW properly for a newbie. The
autoshapes, gradients, transparencies, etc..make a great look, but when I
preview all is prety much lost.

Background picture displays, but no inserted ones from the same hard drive
Nav buttons disappear, text shows out of place & will not "link"
All autoshapes disappear, even ones I have grouped to text
Text in boxes span the page, not as laid out.

I started new page from scratch using blank, but same results. No other
program has allowed me to do such a neat desin, so easily & reaally want to
get this to work.

I have cleared cache, used recommended no space small cap image names, etc...

Any sugestions GREATLY appreciated. Will send .PUB file & Pic files if it
would help.



Video accelerate did not change problem.
Installed new nVidia WHQL drivers change
Repaired Office thru Control Panel Add/ change

No Graphics will display in Publisher 2003 Preview, only text. Same with
"stock" templates I have opened. Looks fine on the build screen, but no
graphics in Web Preview???


I'm not sure exactly how, but I got Preview working again. A couple of
things from after searching & reading MSMVPS.COM articles seemed to make the
1. I made sure FrontPage Extensions were loaded in my providers Personal Web
page options.

2. I unchecked "rely on VRML.." in Publishers Web Site Options. It was
recommended in the article to uncheck PNG, but I left it checked.

3.) I went to My Networks on my computer & created a new "place" to my
webpage using https:// as my provider required for FP extensions intead of

Not sure what corrected the issue, but thanks to Mary I have the latest
video drivers too.

Thanks to all above for trying to help.


Open one of the web page templates in Publisher and try to do a web page
preview. If that is successful, then it sounds like you have designed your
web page using print media formatting techniques that Publisher cannot
convert to web html format. For example you cannot use a Master
page, cannot use word wrap around images, should use one of the web friendly
fonts, may find gradients, columns, etc. not work.

Perhaps deconstruct your page by dragging most of the design elements off
into the scratch area. Then add them back one at a time, doing a web page
preview after each. This will tell you what you can and cannot do. Perhaps
run the design checker will probably also tell you of problem



Are you using IE7? Vista?

When you do the web page preview do you get any error messages or a warning
or message bar across the top of the browser?


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