publishing problem


FP 2003
win xp

Problem occurred today – until today 2 years problem free.

Nav buttons have text missing on remote site – see above url –
the site on my local machine is OK – when I view it in a browser I see the
text in the nav buttons.
Several attempts to publish have been un successful – despite going through
a complete overwrite the publish operation does not complete – at the final
step (after about 40 minutes_ an error message appears ‘server timed out’

I have examined my remote site in edit mode on my local machine and discover
all my new changes have actually been updated despite the publishing
operation stalling at the last moment – everything is OK except the nav
buttons – the remote site in edit mode on my local machine displays the text,
when I click the preview tab can still see the text, however when I use the
file, preview in browser the text disappears.

I have had extensive discussions with the server provider, they have
re-installed FP extensions on the remote server all to no avail, they believe
the problem is on my local machine.

One change I did make a few days ago does cause me concern, I made a change
to the theme, a font change. I notice in the folder called _themes a file
the utf8 file reference is not recognised by my local machine, I wonder if
that is a contributory factor.

thanks for taking a look at my question

Steve Easton

They look fine here.
Try clearing your temporary internet and history files, and then check the live site.


Open in FrontPage, and run Tools->Recalculate
If this routine completes the buttons will be repaired.
If it fails, then it looks as if your website may have to be divided
into subwebs since your server may be too busy to handle its current
loading. Subwebs will mean redoing the theme and navigation in each
subweb, but since FrontPage considers a subweb to be an independent
website, the server should be able to complete the publish and
recalculate hyperlinks successfully on each (small) subweb.
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
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