pulling state data from another sheet


Item Manager

I'm currently collecting contact info from States which consist of primary
and alternate POC's. One State may have 7 POC's and another 10. I received
them as (See Example):

Column A, Column B, Column C
AL Primary Jonn Doe
PA Primary Jonn Doe
PA Alternate Jonn Doe

I then consolidate all data (which could be 5,000 rows) and paste the info
into a new workbook on sheet 1. For sheet 2, I simply have it setup in
column B all 54 States and Territories abbr and in column C is where I would
like to create the formula. On sheet 2, if column B1 is AL, then the formula
in C1 will look up applicable info in sheet 1 and indicate the word
"received", if info is in range. I'm not concern with the number of times AL
is listed on sheet 1, just want the info to be recognized in sheet 2 as
received. Please provide a formula for me if there is one. Thanks.

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