Qty Remaining



I have a table called Bill of Materials with the fields Qty In and Qty
I have another table called Materials issued with a field Qty issued. (book
items to a Job No)
i would like to know if i can get access to automaticaly fill the Qty
Remaining field by subracting the Qty issued from the Qty in and to update
this field as items are booked out.

Thanks heaps


Jeff Boyce

If your table structure already has a place to store the number of items
added (?QtyIn) and the number of items used (?QtyIssued), then why store the
calculated difference? It is rarely necessary to do so, and doing so adds
complexity and extra work for both you and Access.

Instead, consider a query (or a combination of queries) total up the out-go,
then subtract that from the in-flow.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Malfunction via AccessMonster.com

Jeff said:
If your table structure already has a place to store the number of items
added (?QtyIn) and the number of items used (?QtyIssued), then why store the
calculated difference? It is rarely necessary to do so, and doing so adds
complexity and extra work for both you and Access.

Instead, consider a query (or a combination of queries) total up the out-go,
then subtract that from the in-flow.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP
I have a table called Bill of Materials with the fields Qty In and Qty
[quoted text clipped - 8 lines]

Hi Jeff,
Thanks, the reason i want to store the calculated difference is because the
records in the Bill of Materials tables contains fields for chemical and
mechanical analysis
when the total of the specified Batch of stock is 0 i can filty or queery out
but still keep the records for tracability.
In my business we have many of the same items as in a store type stock but i
have to trace my stock by the batch No. and i need to be able to trace the

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