querry row and column header in Project 2007 VBA




I hope someone can help me with my question. I'm afraid that I am no VBA
expert but I do have some programming knowledge.

I would like a VBA macro in Project 2007 that when it runs it can find out
the column and row headers and either store them to a pair of variables or
pop a message box with this info in. As an example if I was in the second
column and second row of the opening task info project table I would like to
be able to retrieve the fact that the column header is "Task Name" and the
row header is "2". I have searched through various posts and tried to figure
out how to do this on my own but have had no luck so far.

It may sound like a strange request but as a bit of background it is for a
visually impaired computer user.

Thanks in advance for any help or guidance that you can offer me.



That's exactly what I wanted. Thank you very much for your prompt and
extremely helpful response


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