Query causing #ref error in spreadsheet




When I refresh a query that adds or removes rows within excel (i.e I
am refreshing a query that is linked in from ms access) it causes a
#ref error in the cells that have forumulas referencing the query

For more concrete detail here is what I have

Amount to be allocated: xxxxx (this number is input) Months to
dollar cost average: x (this number is input)

A2 B2
C2 D2
fund name, % allocation (these are form query), A1 X $B$2 (formula in
excel), C2 X $B$1

Each time I run the query and it picks up a new row or deletes a row
it causes a #ref error in my formula rows (C2 and D2). I tried using $B
$2 and $B$1 to "fix" the cell but it did not work.

Not sure what else to try.

Thank you in advance!

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