Query Criteria: How to handle >9 "or" conditions?



Using Access2003-SP2 with XP:

I have a form with 12 yes-no fields.
I'd like to build a report using a query to those 12 fields so that the
query qualifies any row where the OR condition is met.

For example:
YN01 = -1 or
YN02 = -1 or
YN03 = -1 or
YN12 = -1

The query builder stops at YN09 - apparently an Access limit.

In SQLView it shows the WHERE clause having 9 "or" conditions.

How can I get 12 conditions?

John Spencer

If you mean the design view stops at 9 lines of criteria, you can add more
criteria lines by selecting Insert Rows from the menu.

Alternative is
Field: YN01 + YN02 + YN03 ...+ YN12
Criteria: < 0

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Chris O'C via AccessMonster.com

You wouldn't have this problem if the table were normalized. All of those
YN## fields should be in a single field and the response in another field.
Like this:

UserID Question Answer
1 YN01 -1
1 YN02 -1
1 YN03 0
1 YN04 -1

SELECT abs(sum(Answer)) as YesAnswers
FROM tablename
WHERE (UserID = 1) and (Question IN ('YN01', 'YN02', 'YN03', 'YN04'))

Query result:


With this design, you could have 4 questions or thousands of questions, but
you don't have to keep adding a new field for each new question. You just
need 1 new row identifying the user, naming which question, and the response.

Microsoft MVP


I "think" I understand.

1) how would I create a form that triggers this query. The form I created
had the 12 checkboxes. What would the form look like w/ your solution. I'm
not getting it - sorry for being so dense.

2) how would the query return all the rows where YN1 = -1 OR YN2 = -1 OR YN3
= -1? I want the query result to show [for instance] 15 rows meeting these
OR conditions, not just the value 3.

Chris O'C via AccessMonster.com

You're not being dense. It's just hard to picture this concept if you've
never seen it before.

If you restructure your table similar to what I described in my first post,
you can create a query that displays the data you want, then use the form
wizard to easily create a form that displays the data.

A very simple version of the query would look like this:

SELECT Question
FROM tablename
WHERE Answer = -1
ORDER BY Question

This will show all questions where the answer was yes. (None of the no
answers would show.) Use the form wizard to create a form in datasheet view
so that it looks like the query results in datasheet view -- each record
right below the others in a vertical fashion.

If you want to only show a certain person's yes answers, you need to also
identify which person in the where clause of the query. That query might
look like this:

SELECT Question
FROM tablename
WHERE (UserID = 35) and (Answer = -1)
ORDER BY Question

The query results would show only User #35's yes answers.

Microsoft MVP

I "think" I understand.

1) how would I create a form that triggers this query. The form I created
had the 12 checkboxes. What would the form look like w/ your solution. I'm
not getting it - sorry for being so dense.

2) how would the query return all the rows where YN1 = -1 OR YN2 = -1 OR YN3
= -1? I want the query result to show [for instance] 15 rows meeting these
OR conditions, not just the value 3.
You wouldn't have this problem if the table were normalized. All of those
YN## fields should be in a single field and the response in another field.
[quoted text clipped - 41 lines]

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