Query for Field List



I'm creating a report in Report Generator that pulls across
multiple tables. As many as 8. When I get to the sixth table, it causes the
links to come up with an error. 5 tables is fine and everything links
correctly, when I add the sixth, all the links on the report #error

Here is the SQL statement:

SELECT TPhysicians.TFirstName, TPhysicians.TLastName, TPhysicians.TTitle,
Client.[Client Name], Attendees.AttendeeFirstName,
Attendees.AttendeeLastName, Attendees.[Claim Number], Attendees.[Date of
Loss], Attendees.CaseNumber, Registration.[Date Scheduled],
TPhysicians.TAddress, TPhysicians.TCity, TPhysicians.TState,
TPhysicians.TZip, TPhysicians.TAddress2, Events.EventName, Attendees.[Type of
Coverage], Registration.Specialty, Attorney.Attorney, Attorney.Address,
Attorney.City, Attorney.State, Attorney.Zip FROM (((TPhysicians INNER JOIN
Attendees ON TPhysicians.TPhysicians =
Attendees.TPhysicians) INNER JOIN (Registration INNER JOIN Events ON
Registration.EventID = Events.EventID) ON Attendees.AttendeeID =
Registration.AttendeeID) INNER JOIN Client ON Attendees.ClientID =
Client.ClientID) INNER JOIN Attorney ON (Client.ClientID =
Attorney.ClientID) AND (Attendees.Attorney = Attorney.Attorney);

Matthias Klaey

Zanstemic said:
I'm creating a report in Report Generator that pulls across
multiple tables. As many as 8. When I get to the sixth table, it causes the
links to come up with an error. 5 tables is fine and everything links
correctly, when I add the sixth, all the links on the report #error

Here is the SQL statement:

Could you please specify what exactly you do (including Access version
and OS) when this error comes up (Error 5 = "Invalid procedure call
or argument", is it this the error you see?)

It may help if you compact and repair the database (see, e.g.,
http://allenbrowne.com/ser-47.html) . There is definitely no limit to
5 tables in a query.

Matthias Kläy

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