[question] Removing the standard citation brackets in MS Word 2007



Hello Office 2007 users,

Is it possible to remove the standard brackets when inserting a citation in
your main text?
I would like like to add the APA-style in the following way ==> e,g.:
Peterson, 2007 instead of (Peterson, 2007)
The style withouth redundant brackets would be desirable in my footnotes.

Thanks in advance!

Yves Dhondt

Yes. But it requires the editing of XSLT files.

The output of the APA style is created by APA.XSL locate in the
<winword.exe>\Bibliography\Style folder.

The decision on to put a leading and/or closing bracket depends on the
availability of the FirstAuthor and LastAuthor element.

Open bracket:

<xsl:call-template name="templ_prop_OpenBracket"/>

Close bracket:

<xsl:if test="/b:Citation/b:LastAuthor">
<xsl:call-template name="templ_prop_CloseBracket"/>

If you don't want the brackets to display, you can leave those two code
sections out.



Thanks Yves. Your suggestion was effective to remove the brackets in
Now my university professor can't complain about it anymore :).

Is it also possible to rename this modified APA-style in Word 2007, so that
I can use besides the original APA-style?
A simple "replace" of the APA-term in APA-without brackets doesn't give
useful results.


BTW: Cool website ==> http://bibword.codeplex.com

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