question: send email and populate combo



Hi All
I have created a form that fills out a word doc at the proper bookmarks
when the user clicks submit on the form the doc does get filled out properly
but i cant get the click event to send it as an email as well
here is what I have for code in the on click routine

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

With ActiveDocument
.Bookmarks("UserName").Range.InsertBefore TextBox1
.Bookmarks("requesttype").Range.InsertBefore TextBox2
.Bookmarks("qty").Range.InsertBefore TextBox3
.Bookmarks("purpose").Range.InsertBefore TextBox4
.Bookmarks("describe").Range.InsertBefore TextBox5
.Bookmarks("other").Range.InsertBefore TextBox6
.Bookmarks("busarea").Range.InsertBefore ComboBox1
.Bookmarks("En").Range.InsertBefore CheckBox1
.Bookmarks("fr").Range.InsertBefore CheckBox2
.Bookmarks("subdate").Range.InsertBefore Calendar1
.Bookmarks("datedue").Range.InsertBefore Calendar2
.Bookmarks("evtdate").Range.InsertBefore Calendar3
End With

End Sub

here is the code i got for the send email from MVP site

Activedocument.HasRoutingSlip = True
With Activedocument.RoutingSlip
.Subject = "New subject goes here"
.AddRecipient "(e-mail address removed)"
.AddRecipient "(e-mail address removed)"
.Delivery = wdAllAtOnce
End With

My question is where do I put this code to make it work. I have tried
several spots and it didnt work my form I have a combo box that i would like the user to be able
to choose thier dept. I am not sure how I get the entries into the combo. I
know in access I would make a table with 1 field and populate the field with
all my depts and bind the combo to that table . How do i do this in word?

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

See response to your later post.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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