Random generation.


Joergen Bondesen


I have maked this Code generator.

Option Explicit

Sub CodeGen()
Dim getcode As String
Dim x As Long

Open Application.ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" _
& Date & ".txt" For Output As #1

For x = 1 To 200
getcode = CodeGenerate(32, "1234567890ABCDEF")

'// Data To file
Print #1, getcode
Next x

Close #1
End Sub

Function CodeGenerate(qty As Long, Str As String) As String
Dim x As Long
Dim y As Long
Dim Myvalue As String

For x = 1 To Len(Str)
Dim data() As Variant
ReDim Preserve data(1 To x)
data(x) = Mid(Str, x, 1)
Next x

'// Generate
For y = 1 To qty

'// Random ?????
Randomize Date * Time '* Rnd

'// Chr
Myvalue = data(Int((Len(Str) - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1))

'// Make CodeString
If CodeGenerate = vbNullString Then
CodeGenerate = Myvalue
CodeGenerate = CodeGenerate & Myvalue
End If
Next y
End Function

when I use only Date * Time:
'// Random ?????
Randomize Date * Time
I get blocks of 8 unique lines below each other, why?

when I use Date * Time * Rnd:
'// Random ?????
Randomize Date * Time * Rnd
then I get unique lines below each other, why?

How do I get optimal Randomize within Windows/Excel?

Can I find a sort of add-in for a "better" algorithm to my Random

Best Regards
Joergen Bondesen

Dana DeLouis

when I use only Date * Time:
Randomize Date * Time
I get blocks of 8 unique lines below each other, why?

My guess is that the value of Date * Time is "almost" constant during your
You get the same results if you called Randomize with a constant.
Try it with just Randomize 3

It appears that Randomize doesn't use the full 15 digits in its routine.
By including Rnd, you get values that are different.

Randomize Date * Time * Rnd

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