Read Only dialogue box not always displaying...




I have quite a few Excel 2000 workbooks that are stored out on a shared network drive. Normally, when a user attempts to open a workbook that another user already has open, it prompts them with the "Suchandsuch is locked for editing..." dialogue box with the read-only and notify options. However, not uncommonly this dialogue box isn't appearing when the previously mentioned scenario occurrs, leading the user to believe they have write access, which has lead to some headaches when one of the users goes to save their changes

Is there something that universally causes this? And if so, are there are any fixes or workarounds? Thanks in advance.

Earl Kiosterud


One possibility is to share the workbook. Tools - Share workbook.

Earl Kiosterud
mvpearl omitthisword at verizon period net

rhansenMW said:

I have quite a few Excel 2000 workbooks that are stored out on a shared
network drive. Normally, when a user attempts to open a workbook that
another user already has open, it prompts them with the "Suchandsuch is
locked for editing..." dialogue box with the read-only and notify options.
However, not uncommonly this dialogue box isn't appearing when the
previously mentioned scenario occurrs, leading the user to believe they have
write access, which has lead to some headaches when one of the users goes to
save their changes.
Is there something that universally causes this? And if so, are there are
any fixes or workarounds? Thanks in advance.

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