Read Receipt - VBA



Hi All,

Can some one please check .. what is wrong with this .. I am using it on
outlook 2003 and it does not work .. :(

' ThisOutlookSession:

Option Explicit

Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
If Item.Class <> olMail Then Exit Sub
Dim r As Recipient
For Each r In Item.Recipients
If StrComp(r.Address, "(e-mail address removed)", vbTextCompare) = 0
Item.ReadReceiptRequested = True
MsgBox "Requesting Read Receipt from " & r.Name
End If
End Sub


It is not working for me. Id does not turn ReadReceiptRequested. I have
tested it .. :( .. Any suggestions

Michael Bauer [MVP - Outlook]

Please set a breakpoint (f9) on the first row and send a test mail. The code
execution stops at the breakpoint and you can walk trough it step by step
with f8. See what happens. do you get an error?

Viele Gruesse / Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
Quick-Cats - Categorize Outlook data:

Am Fri, 13 Apr 2007 14:44:00 -0700 schrieb bhardwajrishi:


Are you creating an email and making the it contain a read reciept?

That is what I'm trying to do but I can't figure it out, because I don't know the code to add a read reciept. - .NET Developer Portal of Choice

Michael Bauer [MVP - Outlook]

MailItem.ReadReceiptRequested = True

Viele Gruesse / Best regards
Michael Bauer - MVP Outlook
Quick-Cats - Categorize Outlook data:

Am Tue, 17 Apr 2007 08:31:23 -0700 schrieb Mike:
Are you creating an email and making the it contain a read reciept?

That is what I'm trying to do but I can't figure it out, because I don't
know the code to add a read reciept.

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