Record of hours worked in PWA


Maxwell Anderson

There is the possibility of a user record hours of work outside of working
hours set by Project Server through the PWA? For example, working hours
start from 08:00 until 12:00 and from 14:00 until 18:00. I can record 4
hours of work starting from 12:30?

Marc Soester [MVP]

Maxwell, the planned working time is for planning only. As we all know,
planning and actual work are 2 sepreate things. It therefore should be
possible to enter any time you actually worked. That will ensure that you
reflext reality to your task update. and it gives you the abillity to compare
what you planned and what actually happened.
Hope this helps

Maxwell Anderson

Marc and Gary, I appreciate the responses.

Actually you are right and I knew it too. What happened was this: the user
tried to register the actual work that had started at 12:30 with 4 hours of
work, but the PWA recalculated the start for the task at 14:00. It will be a
bug in PWA?


Maxwell Anderson

Marc Soester [MVP]

Hi Maxwell,

I havent heard about this as a bug in the past. Usually actual work you
entered will retain the entered time, having said this, there have been bugs
regarding actual work beeing different to what was entered previously. I
would make sure that you have SP1, Infrastrucutre update and the Cumulative
December hotfix installed. Hope this helps

Maxwell Anderson

Hi Marc,

We have SP1, the Infrastructure Update and Cumulative October installed. The
Cumulative December will be deployed this week. We will see if the update
solve our problem.

Maxwell Anderson

Marc Soester [MVP]

Hi Maxwell,

I cross my fingers :) it would be great if you could let us know if the
december update worked

Maxwell Anderson

OK Marc. I will do you know the result of the deployment of DecCU. Let's
cross our fingers! :D

Maxwell Anderson

Gary L. Chefetz

If the user is entering actual work that causes the actual start date of the
task to occur at a non-working time, we are aware of a bug that causes the
actual work to be redistributed and Microsoft is working on a fix for this.
Let's address your other issue in the other thread, as I'm unable to respond
to this as I don't have a system with Vista Home Edition to duplicate your

Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
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