referencing Solver.xlam vs. Solver.xla - 2007 vs. 2003


Duke Carey

Has anyone a solution to reference issues such as this:

I was asked to create a tool using Solver for use by a co-worker & his
department. They are all using Office 2003 while I am on Office 2007.

My code must reference the 2007 solver add-in, Solver.xlam, while to run on
their PCs it must reference solver.xla. Each round of testing requires that
the tester go thru the steps of 'de-referencing' the xlam and referencing the

Is there a technique for "conditional referencing" depending on the version
of Excel?

Duke Carey

Jon -

Hate to sound dense, but your solution specifically references the xla.
Does that mean I have to check to Excel version and call xla or xlam,

Duke Carey

Jon - ignore my last message. My adult literacy class hasn't helped as much
as it should. The second reading of your site made it clear. Thanks for the

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