Refresh Not Refreshing



DisplayRecord is used in a form to display detail information for a record.
The Form_AfterUpdate code is used to refresh the records so that any updates
are visible to the user. On my personal machine, the code works and the
records are refreshed, however on my development machine at work, the code
fails. I have confirmed that the global variable gCallingForm is being
correctly updated and that the form is loaded. The .Refresh statement does
not throw an error.

Private Sub DisplayRecord()

On Error GoTo Err_DisplayRecord

gCallingForm = "frmTrailerInventoryMaintenance"
MsgBox gCallingForm
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmTrailerInventoryMasterRecord", , ,
"[txtTrailerDOTNumber] =

Exit Sub

MsgBox getDefaultErrorMessage(Me.Name, "DisplayRecord", Err.Number,
Err.Description), vbCritical
Resume Exit_DisplayRecord

End Sub

Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()

On Error GoTo Err_Form_AfterUpdate

MsgBox gCallingForm & " " & isLoaded(gCallingForm)
If isLoaded(gCallingForm) Then Forms(gCallingForm).Refresh
Call lockFields

Exit Sub

MsgBox getDefaultErrorMessage(Me.Name, "Form_AfterUpdate", Err.Number,
Err.Description), vbCritical
Resume Exit_Form_AfterUpdate

End Sub

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