RefreshTitleBar problem on 2nd Refresh


Michael Hagar

I have an application that changes the MS Access (2002/2003) title bar
everytime I make certain Table linking changes to the DB.

Recently, after the second refresh, the titlebar only shows a series of
little boxes. I can tell by the pattern and size changes that it is
misrepresenting the current AppTitle. For example, if I put in a large title
there are lots of little squares. Small title, fewer squares.

The following code has always worked. When the application opens I set the
AppTitle. Later if I link to different tables I change the AppTitle. It is
the second time that the refresh shows squares even though it is the same
code with the same data. When checked with Currentdb.Properties("AppTitle")
then data is correct.

Has anyone heard of this problem?

Thanks in advance...

Here is the code I use:

Public Function AddAppProperty(strName As String, _

varType As Variant, varValue As Variant) As Integer

Dim dbs As Object, prp As Variant

Const conPropNotFoundError = 3270

Set dbs = CurrentDb

On Error GoTo AddProp_Err

dbs.Properties(strName) = varValue


AddAppProperty = True


Exit Function


If Err = conPropNotFoundError Then

Set prp = dbs.CreateProperty(strName, varType, varValue)

dbs.Properties.Append prp



AddAppProperty = False

Resume AddProp_Bye

End If

End Function

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