Rejoining a split database - How?


Edwin Hannan

Hi All

I have taken over a split database, originally done in MS Access 2000

The front end is in Access and the back end consists of an Access database

What is the best way to rejoin this? I want to have just one proect on my
dev machine with a view to migrating the whole thing to MS SQL Express 2005
(not just the tables)

Any help appreciated (new to this area of MS Access:)



Douglas J. Steele

What do you have in mind by "migrating the whole thing to MS SQL Express
2005 (not just the tables)".

Like SQL Server, SQL Express is strictly a DBMS. You still need something to
build the application in, and Access is still appropriate for that.

Edwin Hannan

Hi Rick

Thanks very much for your very swift answer:) much appreciated

I will get on to this when I get to the office tomorrow

Thanks again




do it as an access data project

it's a lot lot simpler

you shouldn't mix 2005 and adp together unless it is sql 2005.. at
least during the dev phase.
deving it in 2000 and then running it against sql 2005 is a very very
attractive option; in addition to developing it in access 2007 against
sql 2005.

but dev in 2005 against access 2000.2002.2003 would be a pain in the

or if you must use MDB
import all the forms, reports, queries from the frontend into the


Edwin Hannan


I used the migration tool from Microsoft (access to sql) and because I only
added the backend database I only was able to migrate the tables and data,
if the BE and FE were in the same MDB it looked as though I could take over
queries etc...

Like I said this is not my original project and still getting to grips with




I assume you are referring to Access Data Projects

MDB is 10 years obsolete

-Aaron Kempf

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