Relative paths for Picture fields?

  • Thread starter Jeff Pek \(Autodesk\)
  • Start date

Jeff Pek \(Autodesk\)

Hi all -

Using InfoPath 2007.

We are trying to allow the user to populate an InfoPath form with a path to
a separate imaage file, using the Picture field.
We have enabled the "browse for picture" option.

Whenever the user chooses a new picture, it fills in a full URI to the
selected file (e.g., file://c:\foo\bar\baz.jpg). The problem is that we
don't want this full path, which won't be correct for someone else
processing the file on another machine, so we want to instead use a relative
path to the image file, e.g., "..\images\baz.jpg").

I've managed to write some code in a Picture_Changed event handler to
convert the path to a relative reference from the file being modified, but
when we drop that into the field, now InfoPath can't find it, and it shows a
"Click here to insert a picture" prompt.

I'm not finding any options on the field or within the form template to
control this behavior.

What can we do?


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