Remove or disassociate a mdw



Hi all, is there any easy way to just unjoin, from a mdw file that is
associated with my database? I have made several, but i work for a very
large orgainization and someone from ISD ??? says they didn't do it (create
this nightmare for me) created an mdw file that has more than the default,
all users are admin mdw. I really doubt there is a simple solution or it
wouldn't be much of a security file right?

Chris O'C via

Join the default workgroup with the workgroup administrator. Tools >
Security > Workgroup administator. Click on the join button and browse to
the default workgroup file. It's named system.mdw. You may have to search
for it on your pc.

Microsoft MVP


Hi Chris,
Thank you for the quick response, I found that the default security mdw is
the one that has been tampered with, it shows: the users employee number,
creator, users and admin, but I cannot open it under any of the others. The
only one that will open is the employee's. How do I change these settings? I
know not to delete it or no one will be able to open it, but if I can't open
it as the creator or admin how can I change anything?

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