Report Printing



Greetings, I would like to loop through a query printing a report based on
the current record. Any ideas?

BruceM via

Guessing as to what you mean, you could specify the criteria in the report's
Record Source query, or you could use the Where condition of the OpenReport

If more information is needed, you must supply more details.


Greetings, I would like to loop through a query printing a report based on
the current record. Any ideas?

I'll guess that this is what you mean.

First create a report that displays all of the data you want to show.


Your table should have a unique prime key field.
In my example it is named [RecordID].

On the command button's property sheet write
[Event Procedure]
on the Click event line.
Then click on the little button with 3 dots that will appear on that
When the code window opens, the cursor will be flashing between 2
already existing lines of code.
Between those 2 lines write:

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
DoCmd.OpenReport "ReportName", acViewPreview , , "[RecordID] = " &

The above assumes a [RecordID] field that is a Number Datatype.

If, however, [RecordID] is Text Datatype, then use:

DoCmd.OpenReport "ReportName", acViewPreview, ,"[RecordID] = '" &
[RecordID] & "'"

as the Where clause.

For clarity, the single and double quotes are..
"[RecordID] = ' " & [RecordID] & " ' "
Change [RecordID] to whatever the actual field name is that you are

See VBA Help files for:
Where Clause + Restrict data to a subset of records

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