Reports in design view hog CPU (2003)




I'm designing reports in Access 2003 and they work fine. In design
mode, though, my CPU utilization goes is between 95% and 100%. If I
move or resize a label, apply formatting, change properties of a text
box, etc. I have to wait 2 to 3 seconds between mouse clicks, sometimes

The reports are fairly complex, drawing their data from several
queries, but I would expect that to slow things down when I run them,
not when I'm editing them. Any ideas.


Keith Gardner

Wayne Morgan

Either something is corrupted or you're near the maximum number of controls
allowed on the report. This includes all lines, boxes, etc. Anything added
from the toolbox to the report. The maximum number of controls is 754. See It
actually says the maximum number you can add over the lifetime of the
report, but I've found that as you delete controls to move away from the
maximum number, that things start behaving properly again.


Thanks for the reply, Wayne. I'm no where near the max, controls limit.
As for corruption, I've compacted and repaired the front and back end
dbs. I also created a new blank db and imported all the objects from
the old one in an effort to fix this problem. Is there anything else
you'd recommend?



Albert D.Kallal

Well, access does talk to the data files to "check" for legitimate field
names etc.

Are you by perhaps working on a split database? If yes, then try opening a
table from the back end, and then minimize it..and THEN design the report
(you can open any table in the back end...not necessary the one the report
is based on).

Try the above.

Another real got ya is if you are using a network printer as your "default"
printer, and again ms-access constantly reads/talks to the printer for
information about the report layout..if the printer is off line, or not
available, then often ms-access takes a LONG time. As a matter of fact, I
set my default printer to a local pdf printer during development to
eliminate any of this chatter to the printer on the network..

Try the above two tips...(and, even back for future ref as to
how this went).


Thanks, Albert, I'll try both your suggestions and post back how it

My ears perked up when you mentioned networs printers. Though I'm
developing standalone, my default printer is a wireless network
printer. I'll break out my old Epson MX-80 and plug it in locally to
see if that helps.



Hi, Albert:

Opening a table from the backend db didn't produce any performance
boost in report design view that I could see.

I did set up my old Epson dot matrix printer locally and that made a
huge difference. In fact, I was working along so smoothly in design
view that I forgot it had been broken. I never would have guessed that
was the problem. Thanks for your help.


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