resend email weekly from form or calendar event?


Mr . .

I'd like to send an email weekly at a certain time. I've been searching
around on the web and found a post with the following text/code.
Can someone expound a bit for me? is the "ThisOutlookSession" the name of a
macro? What about the "public / private"?

Question: How can you get VBA in outlook to send a message on a daily or
weekly basis?

Thanks To andrzej and for this answer!

Set up a folder in your inbox called News Put your email in here
Set a recuring appointment in the calender with the subject new, to recur
when you want the email sent also set a reminder.

in ThisOutlookSession add the following:

Public WithEvents myOlItems As Outlook.Items

Private Sub Application_Reminder(ByVal Item As Object)

'wait for reminder
If Item.Sensitivity <> olConfidential Then
If TypeOf Item Is AppointmentItem Then SendApptReminder Item
End If

End Sub

Private Sub SendApptReminder(ByRef Item As AppointmentItem)

'Test the Subject of Reminder
If Item.Subject = "news" Then sendpage2 Else

End Sub
'Send news letter

Private Sub sendpage2()

Set ol = New Outlook.Application
Set olns = ol.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set MyInboxFolder = olns.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
Set myNewsletter = MyInboxFolder.Folders("News")
Set mynews = myNewsletter.Items(1)

End Sub

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