Retrieve information from one workbook to another

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Help with cell function

I have 2 workbooks. I want to take infromation from workbook 1 and put it
into workbook 2. Workbook 1 is called "case management stats (combined) and
it has several sheets in it that I need the information copied into
workbook2. The sheets are jan 09, feb 09, march09 and so on all the way to
dec 09). I need the sum of r11:t11 put into workbook 1. Workbook 1 is called
"high risk monitoring list" Can anyone help, respectfully, Burt

Mattlynn via

in the destination workbook, click the sum button, and then navigate back to
the source spreadsheet and highlight r11:t11. It should sum these into the
destination sheet in the destination workbook.


Are you just looking to link the total to a specific cell in workbook 1? If
so, in the cell where you want the information to be click on that cell and
enter an = sign then click on the total cell from workbook 2.

If want it to look up specific information from workbook 2, you will need a
similar key on each workbook then use a vlookup formula.

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