Revenue Report



Hi every body!
I w'ld like to extend my sincere thanks to all adminstrators of thi
site for approving me as member.

my concern is: I ned help on how i can make our company's daily repor
that creates an update report for weekly monthly and annual report i

please i need your assistance.


James Ravenswood

Hi every body!
I w'ld like to extend my sincere thanks to all adminstrators of this
site for approving me as member.

my concern is: I ned help on how i can make our company's daily report
that creates an update report for weekly monthly and annual report in

please i need your assistance.


I would create a workbook in which the first tab would contain all the daily data for an entire year. Each row would represent a day. The most recent day would alwaya be at the top of the tab. On separate tabs I would havethe weekly, monthly and yearly summaries. Each of these tabs would add appropriate values from the first tab to produce the correct summaries

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