revised sumif does not work with pasted values



I have a sumif function that works perfectly well when
the data is keyed into it manually but when the data is
copied and pasted in from a csv file the function returns
a value of zero. This only happens on the sumif function,
when the same data is pasted into an IF statement or a
SUM function, it is fine. Can anyone help?

Dave R.

You might want to post the function you are using, and the "equivilent"
IF/sum combination function, to see why one works and one doesn't. Could be
the syntax of the IF requirements is different in your IF & SUMIF functions.

Ken Wright

Sounds like the data you are pasting in is in text format as opposed to being numeric. Copy and
paste your data as you are doing, and then copy an empty cell, select your pasted data, do edit /
paste special / add, and this should coerce the data back to numeric. The SUMIF should work then.

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