Right-to-left issue (how to default to left-to-right)



A while ago I exchanged email with an Israeli guy (I use Word as email editor
in Outlook 2003). Since then, the writing direction is messed up in Word.
Sometimes the direction is right-to-left, while it used to be left-to-right
for everything.

I could partially solve it by restoring a backup of my (personalised)
normal.dot. My workaround for when this issue still occurs, is just changing
the paragraph direction with the buttons on the 'formatting' toolbar. I want
to permanently fix the remaining issues though.

Issue 1 - Table of contents.
Whenever I insert a table of contents, everything is right-to-left (so page
numbers on the left and chapters/paragraphs on the right). I can 'fix' it by
using the left-to-right paragraph button on the formatting toolbar to fix it,
but as soon as I update the toc, it is right-to-left again.

Issue 2: Email
I write all my email with left-to-right paragraphs. When someone replies to
my email, their reply is also left-to-right, but when my original text is
also included at the bottom of the reply, it is completely right-to-left.
This does not always happen, but I can't find any logic behind it.

I already checked the following
* Replaced normal.dot
* Word Tools > Options > General > WEB options > Encoding: Western European
* Windows Start menu > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Office Tools > Microsoft
Office 2003 Language Settings > Enabled languages: only Dutch, English,
French and German are enabled. Language for default behaviour: Englis (U.S.)
* Windows Start menu > Settings > Control Panel > Regional and Language
options > Languages
- Supplemental language support: both DISabled.
- Default input language: English (United States) - United
- Turn off advanced text services: Enabled.

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