Round number up or down to nearest 5 or 10?



I know I can use ROUND(14,-1) to get the number 14 to round to 10 or 18
to round to 20...
but is there a way to get the number to round to the nearest 5 or 0 in
the singles digit? Ie. have 14 round to 15 and 18 still round to 20?


Bernard REY

ouxi wrote :
I know I can use ROUND(14,-1) to get the number 14 to round to 10 or 18
to round to 20...
but is there a way to get the number to round to the nearest 5 or 0 in
the singles digit? Ie. have 14 round to 15 and 18 still round to 20?

If you have the Analysis Tool Pack add-in (Tools -> Add-ins) installed,
there is a "MROUND" function you can use. So you can write "=MROUND(A1,5)"

If the workbook has to be sent over (to people who won't necessarily have
the add-in installed) you can also use "=ROUND(A1*2,-1)/2"

I Guess that would do :)

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