Row Numbering



In Excel 2003 i want to use the fill handle to enter a series of numbers
through x number of rows. I've entered 10000-00, 10001-00, 10002-00 in
B1,B2,B3 then selected those cells and used the fill handle to drag down to
fill cells. When it fills it gives me 10001-01, 10002-01, 10003-01, 10001-02
....ect. I just need the first five digits to increment and leave the -00 at
the end of every number. Is this possible? how?

Peo Sjoblom

That is how text numbers work in Excel

assume 10000-00 in B2, in B2 put


copy down

then copy all "number" and paste special as values in place

Bernard Liengme

In B1 enter 10000-00
In B2 enter =--LEFT(B2,5)+1&"-00"
Drag the fill handle (double click it if there are entries in column A)
If needed, Copy and Paste Special (values) to convert formulas to text
best wishes


If you want them all to end in -00 you can put a custom number format of
0"-00" for the first cell and Ctrl drag the fill handle down



how do you put 10000-00 in B2 and the formula
=TEXT(LEFT(B1,5)+1,"00000")&"-00" in B2?

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