RTD only alive when Excel is active app?




I have an RTD server that I wrote that seems to work OK when used by
itself, however, when Excel is not the active application, the
interaction does not work.

Specifically I am calling UpdateNotify informing Excel that I have
data for it,
but I don't get called until Excel is Active (i.e. on-top and focus-
in) again.

Is this expected / intended, or is my RTD likely not playing well with

The end-user has their ThrottleInterval turned down, so that updates
are more frequent. Might it cause a problem if the ThrottleInterval
is too low?

Can Excel end up in such a state that it is too 'busy' to respond to
RTD, until it somehow gets tickled by activating it (by clicking on

Further background:
The excel sheet in question is a 'busy' one. With two other RTD
servers loaded for financial information, and extensive use of macros
for various functions.

Many Thanks

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