Runtime 13 - type mismatch




i am trying to fix a marco that has suddenly broken and the person who
created no longer works for us.
i am getting the type mismatch error on the following line. - any
assistance would be great.

TotalBroke = TotalBroke + Cells(i, 4).Value

the whole module is below

Sub BrokeProductionCalculate()

Dim i As Integer

Dim TotalBroke As Variant

Dim TotalProduction As Variant

Dim intArraySizeY As Integer ' The size of Proficy array
for time specified

Dim strArrayRange As String ' Holds the Excel range of the
Proficy array

Worksheets("PIMS Calc").Activate

'Selects the old range based on the previous array size and clear
the contents.

strArrayRange = "A10:D" & Cells(4, 4).Value + 10



' Recalculate cell D2 for updated time period


' Set array size to the new total number of Proficy data points

intArraySizeY = Cells(4, 4).Value

' Select the new range based on new array size. 4 is added to
intArraySizeY to offset the data in

' the correct place on the spreadsheet.

strArrayRange = "A10:D" & intArraySizeY + 9


' Create an array with the exact number of Proficy data points.

Selection.FormulaArray = "=PRFTestsData(R4C1,R6C2,R7C2,1,"""",

For i = 10 To (Cells(4, 4).Value + 10)

If Cells(i, 3).Value = "Broke-Cns" Then

TotalBroke = TotalBroke + Cells(i, 4).Value


TotalProduction = TotalProduction + Cells(i, 4).Value

End If

Next i

Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(12, 4).Value = (TotalBroke +
TotalProduction) / 2204

Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(14, 4).Value = TotalBroke / 2204



End Sub


Jim Thomlinson

In sheet PIMS Calc in column 4 (D) look for a value that is not a number.
That would cause the error you describe...

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