Russian/Cyrillic problems



Version: v.X
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
Processor: Power PC

I have recently tried using cyrillic on my Mac and it works fine in all my programs (internet browsers, textedit, etc) but not in Word, or any other MS Office programs for that matter.

This is the case both when I create new documents and switch the language to Russian, and also when opening documents which were created on other computers and use cyrillic. Instead, all I get is a series of '_______' where the words should be.

Any suggestions for fixing this would be greatly appreciated!




Not my realm, really, but my suspicion is the version of Office you're using
combined with the current font requirements. It isn't actually a Language
issue so much as it is that Office v.X has absolutely no awareness of
Unicode fonts which are most likely what's being used. Stay tuned for
further replies from those who are more familiar with the issues involved.

Gary Goldberg

I've never used WordX but I have used Word 98 and Word 2004 successfully
with Russian fonts. I could use several Mac-compatible (and compatible
with OS 9.1) Cyrillic fonts (such as PryamojProp) but sometimes had
problems with imported files. I've had no problems with Word 2004 and OS

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