Save form data on change of focus



I have a form bound to a table, say TableA. From this form, call it
FormA, I lauch another form, call it FormB, which is bound to TableB.
The primary key of TableA is linked to a field of TableB by a
one-to-many relationship with referential integrity enforced. I have
placed a toggle button on FormA that launches FormB. When FormB is
launched from FormA the FormB records are filtered such that only those
records related to the current FormA record are displayed, rather like
the case with a subform.

When I enter new data in FormA, I save it just before FormB is launched
by using the

If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
Do.Cmd OpenForm "FormB"

technique, with this code in the Click event of the toggle button that
launches FormB. This works fine as long as FormB is not open already
and I only launch FormB after entering the primary key data into FormA.

The problem is that I like to browse through my data on FormA using the
record navigation buttons while FormB is open. As I do so, the data
displayed on FormB changes according to the filter, and everything
works splendidly. But when I decide to add a new record into FormA
while FormB is open, and then I change focus and go to FormB to add a
corresponding record, I get the following error:

"You can't add or change a record because a related record is
required in Table 'TableA'."

I recognize this as being due to the fact that the record just entered
in FormA is not yet saved. I thought I could simply add an

If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False

line to the LostFocus event of FormA, but this does not do what I
expected. I still get the same error.

I also have to enter the foreign key data manually into FormB under
this condition. Normally this field is filled in for me automatically
using a default value. The default value is


So I have two questions:

1) How can I make sure that the FormA record gets saved when I change
the focus to edit FormB? (and will doing so accomplish what I want it

2) In the special case I've outlined above, how can I make sure the
foreign key field on FormB is updated at the same time I change focus
from FormA to FormB so I don't have to do it manually?



I'm sure you're right, a true subform would probably accomplish what
I'm trying to do, but I needed more flexibility in my FormB than is
afforded by a subform. I purposely avoided doing this with a subform.

Hi ben,

Sounds like you have a main form/sub form relationship... Have you
considered putting FormB in a subform in FormA. If you want separate pages,
use a Tab Control with the FormA info on the first tab and the FormB info in
a subform on the second tab. This way Access will look after the
relationship for you (assuming you set the link master field/child field

Hope this helps.


I have a form bound to a table, say TableA. From this form, call it
FormA, I lauch another form, call it FormB, which is bound to TableB.
The primary key of TableA is linked to a field of TableB by a
one-to-many relationship with referential integrity enforced. I have
placed a toggle button on FormA that launches FormB. When FormB is
launched from FormA the FormB records are filtered such that only those
records related to the current FormA record are displayed, rather like
the case with a subform.
When I enter new data in FormA, I save it just before FormB is launched
by using the
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
Do.Cmd OpenForm "FormB"
technique, with this code in the Click event of the toggle button that
launches FormB. This works fine as long as FormB is not open already
and I only launch FormB after entering the primary key data into FormA.
The problem is that I like to browse through my data on FormA using the
record navigation buttons while FormB is open. As I do so, the data
displayed on FormB changes according to the filter, and everything
works splendidly. But when I decide to add a new record into FormA
while FormB is open, and then I change focus and go to FormB to add a
corresponding record, I get the following error:
"You can't add or change a record because a related record is
required in Table 'TableA'."
I recognize this as being due to the fact that the record just entered
in FormA is not yet saved. I thought I could simply add an
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
line to the LostFocus event of FormA, but this does not do what I
expected. I still get the same error.
I also have to enter the foreign key data manually into FormB under
this condition. Normally this field is filled in for me automatically
using a default value. The default value is

So I have two questions:
1) How can I make sure that the FormA record gets saved when I change
the focus to edit FormB? (and will doing so accomplish what I want it
2) In the special case I've outlined above, how can I make sure the
foreign key field on FormB is updated at the same time I change focus
from FormA to FormB so I don't have to do it manually?- Hide quoted text -- Show quoted text -

missinglinq via

Although I've never used it, when switching back and forth between two forms
I think (notice I say THINK) that the form's Activate/Deactivate events are
triggered. Try this in Form A and see if it works.

Private Sub Form_Deactivate()
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
End Sub


Whoops. I think I've been "replying to author" instead of to the group.
Sorry. Publicly, now, I did try using the Me.Dirty method in the
Deactivate event previously, and although the Activate/Deactivate
events are triggered when switching back and forth between forms, the
record still doesn't get saved. And I can say the same of the
requerying idea that Klatuu suggested. I can't get the table to update,
even though I place requerying code in the Deactivate event of FormA.
One problem I notice with Deactivate--it gets triggered by almost
anything (pushing the navigation buttons, for instance).

missinglinq via

Don't see Klatuu's post! Have you tried requrying Form B on Activate?

Whoops. I think I've been "replying to author" instead of to the group.
Sorry. Publicly, now, I did try using the Me.Dirty method in the
Deactivate event previously, and although the Activate/Deactivate
events are triggered when switching back and forth between forms, the
record still doesn't get saved. And I can say the same of the
requerying idea that Klatuu suggested. I can't get the table to update,
even though I place requerying code in the Deactivate event of FormA.
One problem I notice with Deactivate--it gets triggered by almost
anything (pushing the navigation buttons, for instance).

Although I've never used it, when switching back and forth between two forms
I think (notice I say THINK) that the form's Activate/Deactivate events are
[quoted text clipped - 10 lines]


Okay. I think I have it working. I saved the data in FormA using code
in the BeforeInsert event of FormB ( Forms![FormA].Dirty = False
method), and I copied the foreign key information into FormB at the
same time. This should do it. Thanks everyone for your help!

Don't see Klatuu's post! Have you tried requrying Form B on Activate?

Whoops. I think I've been "replying to author" instead of to the group.
Sorry. Publicly, now, I did try using the Me.Dirty method in the
Deactivate event previously, and although the Activate/Deactivate
events are triggered when switching back and forth between forms, the
record still doesn't get saved. And I can say the same of the
requerying idea that Klatuu suggested. I can't get the table to update,
even though I place requerying code in the Deactivate event of FormA.
One problem I notice with Deactivate--it gets triggered by almost
anything (pushing the navigation buttons, for instance).
Although I've never used it, when switching back and forth between two forms
I think (notice I say THINK) that the form's Activate/Deactivate events are
[quoted text clipped - 10 lines]
There's ALWAYS more than one way to skin a cat!

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