Save via automation


Papp György


I would like to save a workbook, but nothing occurs when I set the
DisplayAlerts property to false.

The program is the following:

Dim mExcel = new Excel.Application
mExcel.DisplayAlerts = false

Then I load and modify the first sheet.

After this I call Workbook.Save or WorkBook.SaveAs(Path) but unfortunetly
nothing happens. ( No Error Message, no MessageBox, nirvana , the xls
preserves the original data)

When I set the DisplayAlerts to true, a question MessageBox appears and the
save is performed.

So the question is: How can i save the modificatios without the messagebox.

Larry Daugherty

Your post is more to do with Excel than Access. Does the same code
behave the same when run in Excel? My guess would be yes.

My other guess is that the noise is probably coming from Microsoft's
concern about macros. Check your security level viz macros and see
what happens.


Larry Daugherty

My apologies; you didn't say your client application was Access. I've
been reading so many posts into Access newsgroups that have nothing to
do with it that I forget where I am and respond inappropriately. :-(

Papp György


My client application is a vb6 ActiveX exe, and the ActiveX server
application is the Excel 2003.

Papp György

The problem is persistant.

It would be quite severe if my program pushed the button itself. But I
cannot find any method to solve this problem.
This is incredible!

Any help would be greatly apprecieted.

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