Saving a document based on user input



Hoping for help on the following:
I'm trying to write a macro that saves documents like this:
1- P: will always be the drive letter
2- user input will determine the folder
3- first 8 characters of filename will be current date in yyyymmdd
4- next 3 characters will be the author
4- next will be a dash, then user input's description.

All I know how to do is the following (defining and capturing a few of
the variables):

Dim folder As String
Dim author As Long
Dim description As String

folder = InputBox("Folder to Save in:")
author = InputBox("1-CL 2-RH 3-KH")
description = InputBox("Description")

Michael Bednarek

Hoping for help on the following:
I'm trying to write a macro that saves documents like this:
1- P: will always be the drive letter
2- user input will determine the folder
3- first 8 characters of filename will be current date in yyyymmdd
4- next 3 characters will be the author
4- next will be a dash, then user input's description.

All I know how to do is the following (defining and capturing a few of
the variables):

Dim folder As String
Dim author As Long
Dim description As String

folder = InputBox("Folder to Save in:")
author = InputBox("1-CL 2-RH 3-KH")
description = InputBox("Description")

Try the following code. I sent in unwrapped, but your reader may wrap it.
You will need to modify some constants. Some error checking is left as
an exercise for the reader.

Michael Bednarek "POST NO BILLS"

===== cut here =====
Option Explicit

Sub SaveKaren()

' Response by Michael Bednarek to a problem from karenhart in microsoft.public.word.vba.general (24-Jan-2010)
' Message-ID: <>
' Subject: Saving a document based on user input

Dim strFolder As String
Dim datToday As Date
Dim strYYYYMMDD As String
Dim strAuthor As String
Dim strDescr As String

Const strDRIVE As String = "D:\"
Const strINIDIR As String = "Temp\"

With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
.Title = "Save in which folder?"
.InitialView = msoFileDialogViewDetails
.InitialFileName = strDRIVE & strINIDIR
If .Show = -1 Then
strFolder = .SelectedItems(1) & "\"
Debug.Print strFolder
MsgBox "No folder selected. Nothing done.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "SaveKaren"
Exit Sub
End If
End With

datToday = Date
strYYYYMMDD = Format(datToday, "yyyy") & Format(datToday, "mm") & Format(datToday, "dd")
Debug.Print strYYYYMMDD

strAuthor = InputBox("Enter author (up to 3 characters):", "SaveKaren", "KH")
strAuthor = Pad(Left(strAuthor, 3), 3, "_")

strDescr = InputBox("Enter description:", "SaveKaren", "Description of this document")
strDescr = CleanFilename(strDescr)
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=strFolder & strYYYYMMDD & strAuthor & strDescr

End Sub

Function Pad(strString As String, lngLength As Long, Optional strPad As String = " ")
Pad = strString & String(lngLength - Len(strString), strPad)
End Function

Function CleanFilename(strParam As String)

' Rids the argument of characters illegal in a filename.

Const strIllegal As String = "\/:*?""<>|" ' The illegal characters in a filename
Static l As Long ' The length of the above string
Dim i As Long ' Loop counter through the string of illegals
Dim oneIllegal As String * 1 ' A single illegal character

If strParam = "" Then ' Anything passed?
CleanFilename = "" ' No: return empty; let the caller deal with it.
If l = Empty Then ' Initialise
l = Len(strIllegal) ' How many illegal characters?
End If

CleanFilename = strParam ' Copy argument to return value
For i = 1 To l ' Loop through the illegal set
oneIllegal = Mid(strIllegal, i, 1) ' Next single illegal character
CleanFilename = Replace(CleanFilename, oneIllegal, "") ' Remove this character
Next i
CleanFilename = Trim(CleanFilename) ' and remove leading and trailing spaces
End If
End Function

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