Script for Years....



I am looking for some sample script to populate a dropdown with the current
year (yyyy) plus. Recall seeing some time in the past.


Trevor Lawrence

116 said:
I am looking for some sample script to populate a dropdown with the current
year (yyyy) plus. Recall seeing some time in the past.


The current year plus what?
Plus 1, perhaps ?

If so, the JavaScript I have already sent can easily be modified

Something like this
<script type="text/javascript">
function nextYear() {
var d = new Date();
document.forms('form1').result.value = d.getFullYear() + 1;
<form name="form1" action="">
<input type="button" value="Click Here" onclick="nextYear()" /><br>
<input type="text" id="result" size="4" value="">

Not quite a drop down, but that is just a modification


Sorry about that. I'm thinking more along the lines of current year, with
say, next three as options.



getFullYear() + 0; <<is 2010 he ask for this one!
getFullYear() + 1; <<is 2011

Trevor Lawrence when is 116 going to get a JavaScript editor,, he can paste
the Code to his FrontPage...
I gave him a link to a good freeware JavaScript editor at the start,, it has
a good Debugger tool in it too!
it's @ <<< the free so good who need the
PRO one

But he have time ...... and it give some of us some thing to do ..... LOOL

Trevor Lawrence

Yep, Can be done.

Maybe tomorrow - it 18:15 AEDST here and time for other things than the web

Trevor Lawrence

Well, I got around to it eventually.

This will do the job.

<script type="text/javascript">
function loadDates() {
var yr = new Date().getFullYear();
var g = document.getElementById;
g('y').innerHTML = yr;
g('y1').innerHTML = yr + 1;
g('y2').innerHTML = yr + 2;
g('y3').innerHTML = yr + 3;}
<body onload="loadDates()">
<option>Select one...</option>
<option id="y"></option>
<option id="y1"></option>
<option id="y2"></option>
<option id="y3"></option>

What you do with the results after that is up to you


Thanks Trevor. I see what I was doing wrong. Also, I downloaded the Free
Javascript editor mentioned in another post. Has been a great help.


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