search engines



I have read about search engine troubles in Publisher. I have converted my
site to Front Page by creating a new blank web and importing the files. I
then added a navigation structure and and readded hyperlinks. What exactly
is the problem with Pulisher code and search engines and how will I know if I
fixed the problem?



Patience is helpful in need for three posts...and in waiting
for the various search engines to find your site. While you are waiting,
Google on the subject and you will likely find many "experts" that will have
many, many suggestions about how to optimize your site for search engines.

Meanwhile, if you have FrontPage, then you would probably be better off
using it to produce your website. Don't try to mix the two.


Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

If you imported Pub produced html into FP you've probably got a real code
mess on your hands now. Hopefully you meant you *redid* your website with
parts from your pub site.

|I have read about search engine troubles in Publisher. I have converted my
| site to Front Page by creating a new blank web and importing the files. I
| then added a navigation structure and and readded hyperlinks. What
| is the problem with Pulisher code and search engines and how will I know
if I
| fixed the problem?

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