Search for Existing Records and Delete Matching Records


Bob Mullen

I am using a form bound to a single table to add mutiple records to the
table. The addition of records works well, but since the records themselves
are a custom schedule table created day by day, I need a mechanism to allow
the user to create a re-designed schedule for a given day. I can check for
the existence of record(s)(rst.Find strSQL) for that day, but if such exist
(there could be 100 or more) I need to be able to delete them (matching
dates) before creating a new set of records for that day.

I hope that makes some sense.

John Vinson

I am using a form bound to a single table to add mutiple records to the
table. The addition of records works well, but since the records themselves
are a custom schedule table created day by day, I need a mechanism to allow
the user to create a re-designed schedule for a given day. I can check for
the existence of record(s)(rst.Find strSQL) for that day, but if such exist
(there could be 100 or more) I need to be able to delete them (matching
dates) before creating a new set of records for that day.

If you have criteria, you can create a Delete query which will do just
that (or an Update query, if that's appropriate, to change the values
in the existing records).

John W. Vinson[MVP]

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