Selection is too large - when pasting formats programmatically




(Excel 2003)

After pasting a recordset with Range("F50").CopyFromRecordset rsData I
am trying to paste formats copied from a row above. iLastRow is the
last row of the data. Example:

iLastRow = 2000 'for testing. this is normally determined at


Sheets("Main").Range(Cells(50, 6), Cells(iLastRow, 54)).PasteSpecial
Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False,

This works fine up to about 2000 rows. After that I get error
"Selection is too large ". What's that about?

Has anyone any other ideas on formatting a data block pasted from a
recordset? Pre-formatting the cells is not an option as
CopyFromRecordset will wipe those out, and also the depth of the range
is only known at runtime.

Thanks for any help.

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