Sende/receive email from Excel with Outlook




I use the following subroutine to send (and a similar one to receive)
email from Excel using Outlook. My problem is that the user gets a
security alert he must confirm to proceed, with some doubts for someone
on what reply exactly, so I'ld like to disable these alerts.

I've found some posts to solve this issue using different methods to
manage the mail by Excel without using Outlook. But these methods allow
only to send and not to receive email.

I'ld like to know if there is any setting by VBA to disable these
security alerts.

Sub SendImportExport()
On Error GoTo err_hnd
Dim Percorso As String, NomeFileOrigine As String,
With ThisWorkbook
Percorso = .Path
ChDir Percorso
NomeFileOrigine = Percorso & "\ImportExport.mdb"
NomeFileDestinazione = Percorso & "\ImportExport.p46"
FileCopy NomeFileOrigine, NomeFileDestinazione
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'.SaveAs "TEMP" & NomeFile 'Salva il file con un nome preceduto da
End With

'Qui comincia l’avventura, con Outlook-Bonaventura:
Dim Outlk As New Outlook.Application 'Apre un’istanza di MS Outlook
Dim MioMess As MailItem

'Imposta una letterina Outlook...
Set MioMess = Outlk.CreateItem(olMailItem)
'... e ne stabilisce gli estremi

With MioMess '
'.To = InputBox("Digitare l'indirizzo dei Gestori Operativi
destinatari del file (es. (e-mail address removed); (e-mail address removed))", "Invio
CC = "(e-mail address removed)"
Subject = "Invio file ImportExport.p46"
'.Body = InputBox("Breve comunicazione per i destinatari
(facoltativa)", "Comunicazioni")
Attachments.Add NomeFileDestinazione 'NON dimenticare la "\" !!!
Display 'Visualizza il messaggio
End With
'Libera le variabili-oggetto (istruzione qui facoltativa)
Set MioMess = Nothing
Set Outlk = Nothing
Kill NomeFileDestinazione
Exit Sub
Select Case Err
Case 53 ' file non trovato
Resume Next
Case Else
MsgBox Err.Description & "/" & Err.Number & " Sub Export"
End Select
Resume Next
End Sub



You should be able to find something to help you here

'Example Code for sending mail from Excel'

Thanks Barb,

I've already examined that link, but it's too complex for me.
Since I've to send/receive only one message during every Import/Export
task, I've temporarely solved my issue disabling (sending the mail) the
..send statement and enabling instead the .display, that don't trigger
the security alert. In this manner the user gets the new message Outlook
window with attachment already attached, the default recipients and
message subject already specified. He must only specify (if he likes)
other recipients and the body message and press the send button.

For the receiving task I've got the freeware program Express ClickYes
that "press" automatically the Yes button when Outlook asks if you like
to enable the application access to the inbox folder.

This could be a simple method to solve this issue to manage only one
message per time.
