Sending automatic e-mail from Xl



Hello all, this is my first post here. Seeing how people are amazingly
good at excel, I definately could use some of your help.:)

Basically here is the situation, I have a list of items (ranges from
cellA1 to A143). I want to create an automatic e-mail when each item
gets to a certain number (for example resistors go down to 200, I need
an e-mail to remind me to purchase more). I managed to write a macro
with VBA that works fine when I refer one specific cell. Here is what I
had written:

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()

Flux = Range("S13").Value
If Flux > 500 Then

Dim Address As String, Subject As String
Dim Body As String, Hyper As String

Address = "...(I had a valid e-mail in here)"
Subject = "The " & Range("S13") & " desk has a flux above $500mm"

Body = "The " & Range("A13") & " inventoryshows a flux of " &
Format(Range("D13").Value, "$##,###") &

Hyper = "mailto:" & Address & "?subject=" & Subject & "&body=" & Body
ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink (Hyper)

End If
End Sub

So I want to know if somebody could help me set this up to look at the
range of cells and send me an e-mail for each individual item.
Basically what I need excel to do is look at every item in my inventory
and send me an email for each item individually (I want to see one item
per email). If anybody could help me or point me as to what to change I
would greatly appreciate it.

I am an extreme noob when it comes to VBA:( so thanks for any help!:)

Tom Ogilvy

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
Dim Address As String, Subject As String
Dim Body As String, Hyper As String
Static Flag(1 to 143) as Boolean
for i = 1 to 143

Select case i
Case 1 ' widgets
' code for widgets
Case 2 ' deltas
' code for deltas
. . .
Case 13 ' code for flux
Flux = Range("S" & i).Value
If Flux > 500 Then
if Flag(i) = False then
Flag(i) = True
Address = "...(I had a valid e-mail in here)"
Subject = "The " & Range("S" & i) & " desk has a flux above $500mm"
Body = "The " & Range("A" & i) & " inventoryshows a flux of " & _
Format(Range("D" & i).Value, "$##,###") &
Hyper = "mailto:" & Address & "?subject=" & Subject & "&body=" & Body
ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink (Hyper)
end if
Flag(i) = False
end if

. . .
end Select
Next i

End If
End Sub


Thanks for your reply!:) Just so I understand correctly, every time you
wrote case 1'widgets'.... I basically am listing out every item in my
inventory? Thanks again. I am going to try this now.

Tom Ogilvy

i loops from 1 to 143. Inside the loop, you use the case statement to write
code specific to that row

Case 1 ' for example row 1 is widgets
' code for widgets
Case 2 ' for example row 2 is blocks
' code for blocks

.. . .
Case 143 ' for example, row 143 is Pulleys
' code for pulleys

end Select


Thought so. Thanks for your help and clarifying that. I'll post later
how all this works out.:) :)


I keep getting an error when running it. It says:

End If without block if

Are we missing an If statement somewhere?:confused:


I keep getting an error when running it. It says:

End If without block if

Are we missing an If statement somewhere?:confused:

Dave Peterson

In Tom's sample code, the last two lines:

End If
End Sub

should be:

Next i
End Sub

(just a typo)


Thanks for clarifying that. I don't know what I am doing, but it is not
working. :confused:
I must be making a mistake with the select cases.
"Code for widgets" does that mean I write for example what row it is?
Sorry for asking such a silly question, but I really have no clue at
all here. Thanks again for your help.

Dave Peterson

Yep. That's exactly what you need to do.

There may be different ways to loop through those rows--but depending on what
the email should say and what your flags/cutoffs are, you may need to code each
option explicitly.

An alternative...

Put another column in your worksheet that creates the email text that you want.
Use whatever worksheet formulas you need. Then add another column for you
cutoff values (Column T??). Then you can just check the flag column (column
S??) and create the email using that cell.

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Dim myCell As Range
Dim myRng As Range
Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim myAddress As String
Dim mySubject As String
Dim myBody As String
Dim myHyper As String

Set wks = Worksheets("Sheet1")

myAddress = "(e-mail address removed)"

With wks
Set myRng = .Range("A1:A143")
For Each myCell In myRng.Cells
If .Cells(myCell.Row, "S").Value < .Cells(myCell.Row, "T").Value
'do nothing, not at the cutoff
mySubject = myCell.Value & "-- some nice text here"

'use that cell with the formula that creates the email text
myBody = .Cells(myCell.Row, "U").Value

myHyper = "mailto:" & myAddress _
& "?subject=" & mySubject _
& "&body=" & myBody

ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink myHyper
End If
Next myCell
End With
End Sub

But somewhere, somehow you have to tell excel/vba what to do.

And if you use this kind of technique, you can use a formula like:

Body = "The " & Range("A13") & " inventoryshows a flux of " &
Format(Range("D13").Value, "$##,###") &

="The " & a1 & " inventory shows a flux of " & text(a13,"$##,###) & "."

And you could include other cells in formulas...and drag down. You can even
modify each formula so that each returns something slightly different.

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