Sending emails from Access form


Thomas Kroljic


In one of my Access application I have a form that allows the user to
send an email out to a prospective client. It uses text fields for email
address and subject line. I use a memo field for the body of the email. The
code is below.

Currently, I'm setting the email BodyFormat = olFormatHTML. This seems to
work best in my testing.


1. Is this the best approach?

2. If I want to have a list of "canned" emails that the user can
select, what would be the best approach to this method.

a. Do I store the text of the email in a table/record and then read
the appropriate record (data) into a variable or .body

b. Do I just have a list of files (text files) that the user can select
and then move this data into the .body

I'm open to any suggestion. Thank you.

'create the actual email and send it out


Dim AppOutLook As Outlook.Application

Dim MailOutLook As Outlook.MailItem

Set AppOutLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Dim xref As Hyperlink

' logon

Dim xnamemail As String

xnamemail = "Default"

Call AppOutLook.GetNamespace("MAPI").Logon(Profile:=xnamemail)

Set MailOutLook = AppOutLook.CreateItem(olMailItem)

Dim SecurityManager As New AddInExpress.OutlookSecurityManager

SecurityManager.ConnectTo AppOutLook

SecurityManager.DisableOOMWarnings = True

Dim xhtmlstring As String

'the following logic will insert a <br/> whenever a cr/lf appears

For X = 1 To Len(Me.txt_body)

If mID(Me.txt_body, X, 1) = Chr(13) Then

xhtmlstring = xhtmlstring + "<br />"


xhtmlstring = xhtmlstring + mID(Me.txt_body, X, 1)

End If

Next X

With MailOutLook

'Set body format to HTML

.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML

.To = Me.txt_to

.Subject = Me.txt_subject

If Me.txt_attachment <> "" And _

Not IsNull(Me.txt_attachment) Then

.Attachments.Add "d:\storemanagement\emailpdf\" & _


End If

.HTMLBody = "<body>" & xhtmlstring & "<br />" & _

"<br />" & _

"<br />" & _

"<br />" & _

mEmpFullName & "<br />" & _

"<b>Company Name<b/> " & "<br />" & _

"Phone Number: " & mPhoneNumber & "<br />" & _

IIf(mFaxNumber <> "", "Fax Number: " & mFaxNumber &
"<br />", "") & _

"Visit us at <a
href=></a> " & "<br />" & _


'.Display True


End With

SecurityManager.DisableOOMWarnings = False

'let's close the form and go home

DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmMailOut"

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