


I am using Access97 and am trying to use the SendObject Do command to send a Query result as an Excel attachment, but I keep getting a error message that Microsoft Jet Database engine could not find the object "rstRptQry".

This will work if I create a Table name rstRptQry. I will also work if I create a query and use the acSendQuery parameter.

I am able to read the rstRptQry results using the rstRptQry.MoveNext command.

Is there a way to do it similar to the code below?

strSql = "SELECT tblOrdHst.ShipCond, tblOrdHst.ShipNbr, tblOrdHst.OrdNbr, " _
& "tblOrdHst.ShipToCust, tblOrdHst.PlanLdDte, tblOrdHst.DlvyDte, tblShipcmp.ShipDte " _
& "FROM tblShipcmp INNER JOIN tblOrdHst ON tblShipcmp.ShipNbr = tblOrdHst.ShipNbr " _
& "ORDER BY tblOrdHst.ShipCond, tblOrdHst.ShipNbr, tblOrdHst.OrdNbr; "
Set rstRptQry = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSql, dbOpenDynaset)
DoCmd.SendObject acSendTable, "rstRptQry", acFormatXLS, , , , "Completed Shipments", strMsgTxt

thanks in advance for any help you might provide.



Why don't you just create a queary and use acSendQuery? Right now your code
is looking for a table named rstRptQry which does not exist.

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