Seniority caclulation



I am working on a database to track the seniority of hourly employees, and I
am having trouble with re-calculation of seniority when one of those
employees quits.

I currently track when the employee was hired in terms of the date. What I
have the routine doing is filtering out the hourly employees, based on if
they are currently employed and if they have a date entered for hire date. I
then organize those dates in accending order. And use a For Next loop to
index through the list of dates and assign new values to the seniorityLevel
number. But what I have been having issues with, is if the employee that
quits comes back to work after a while the process doesn't calcuate the
seniority level accurately.

Is there a better way to determine seniority level from the data of hire?Any
suggestions on how this could be better handled would be greatly appreciated.

Mr B


I sounds as if you are using the existing record for the employee that quit
and then returned to work. In reality, there would need to be one of two
things happen.

One senerio would be that you would create a new employee record to the
returning employee, simply because the previous record is for that employee
and his hire date and exit date so therefore you would create a new record
with the new hire date, etc. This would allow your process to be the same
and would work.

The other senerio would be that the existing employee record would have the
hire date updated to the date on which he came to work this time. This would
not reflect what actually happend because you would no longer have a record
of his previous employment.

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