series coloring inconsistent across charts



series coloring inconsistent across charts

I need to keep coloring scheme consistent across several graphs.

Let say I have 6 graphs:

three radars:


and three barcharts


On all three radars series (colored lines) are built on columns with values
(rows) being located on spikes. all three radars show the same graphics, the
only difference is that only one of them ("starplot") has some colntrols to
hide/unhide columns and "starplotchartwhite" has white background.

each barchart shows values of a single row with each bar representing a
value in a column in that row. bars have the same color as lines on radars
(as each bar relates to one column and as lines on radars do represent

using controls on the starplot user can HIDE a column. when a column is
hidden, appropriate line on all radars and appropriate bar on barcharts
disappears. the problem is that COLORS of remaining points on barcharts are
getting out of sync with colors on radars. radars do "remember" its colors
and when I hide/unhide columns (=series) colors do not change neither on the
chart nor on the legend. On barcharts if I hide say first series, painted
black on radars, first bar on barcharts will remain black even though it will
represent now value from second series... How can I ensure colors on
barcharts are always tied to certain series, just as they are on radars? I
need to be able to hide, say, a column represented by a blue line on radars.
I need the blue line to disappear with all remaining lines keeping their
original colors (it works this way on radars). I also need a blue bar
disappear on all barcharts with remaining bars keeping their colors. that
does NOT work this way and that makes my users unhappy.

constructive ideas are very much appreciated

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