Service pack 3 issue



Hi All

I have Project Server 2003 with SQL Server 2005 and I installed Service Pack
3 latest release from Microsoft. Followed the instructions - now my PWA
doesn't work at all. At the beginning of each page I have huge javascript and
then the page appears but no data - it just says loading data and nothing
else happens. this is very very very critical.

Any help is appreciated.


This is the javascript at the top of each page

// // Microsoft Project - Web Client // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation,
1999 // // File: WebClient\root\Shell\Shell.js // // Contents: Client-side
Shell functions // // Objects: Shell (client-side) //
var bHelpExpanded = false; var g_SkipBeforeUnload = false;
function Body_OnResize() { if (typeof(Workspace_OnResize) != "undefined") {
Workspace_OnResize(); return; } if (typeof(Grid_OnResize) != "undefined")
Grid_OnResize(); }
function ActionsPaneCollapse_OnClick() { var e = new Error();
window.event.cancelBubble = true; window.event.returnValue = false; if
(event.keyCode == 0 || event.keyCode == 13) { =
"none"; = "none"; = "";
= ""; idShellSidePane.disabled = true; RepaintSelectElementsForRTL(); try {
idActPaneExpandArrow.focus(); } catch (e) { // Stub } } }
function ActionsPaneExpand_OnClick() { var e = new Error();
window.event.cancelBubble = true; window.event.returnValue = false; if
(event.keyCode == 0 || event.keyCode == 13) { =
""; = ""; =
"none"; = "none"; idShellSidePane.disabled
= false; RepaintSelectElementsForRTL(); try { idActPaneCollapseArrow.focus();
} catch (e) { // Stub } } }
function Help_OnClick() { event.cancelBubble = true; event.returnValue =
false; if (event.keyCode == 0 || event.keyCode == 13) { if
( == "none") { g_bHelpPaneExpanded = true; = ""; = ""; = ""; // When the Help pane is exposed, add its
UI back to the tab order idCloseHelpLink.tabIndex = 0;
document.all.idHelpFrame.tabIndex = 0; RepaintSelectElementsForRTL(); with
(document.body) { scrollTo(scrollWidth, scrollTop); } } else { CloseHelp(); }
} }
function CloseHelp_OnClick() { event.cancelBubble = true; event.returnValue =
false; if (event.keyCode == 0 || event.keyCode == 13) { CloseHelp(); } }
function CloseHelp() { g_bHelpPaneExpanded = false;
= "none"; = "none"; = "none"; // Remove the Help UI from the tabbing
order; otherwise, it will still receive // tab focus even if it's collapsed
idCloseHelpLink.tabIndex = -1; document.all.idHelpFrame.tabIndex = -1;
RepaintSelectElementsForRTL(); with (document.body) { scrollTo(0, scrollTop);
} }
function SubMenuExpander_OnClick(sSubMenuID) { event.cancelBubble = true;
event.returnValue = false; if (event.keyCode == 0 || event.keyCode == 13) {
if (document.all(sSubMenuID + "Leaves").style.display == "none") {
document.all(sSubMenuID + "Expander").src = "../images/minus.gif";
document.all(sSubMenuID + "Leaves").style.display = "block"; } else {
document.all(sSubMenuID + "Expander").src = "../images/plus.gif";
document.all(sSubMenuID + "Leaves").style.display = "none"; } } }
function Body_Onload() { WaitCursor.SetWaitCursor(); // set the cursor to
wait //Body_OnResize(); if (typeof(MSPJGrid_PreProcess) != "undefined")
MSPJGrid_PreProcess(); if (typeof(Shell_OnLoad) != "undefined")
Shell_OnLoad(); if (typeof(Workspace_OnLoad) != "undefined")
Workspace_OnLoad(); if (typeof(MSPJGrid_PostProcess) != "undefined")
MSPJGrid_PostProcess(); SetBodyFontSize(); if (typeof(SetTabControlHeight) !=
"undefined") SetTabControlHeight(); if (typeof(Shell_EnableTitleButtons) !=
"undefined") Shell_EnableTitleButtons(); if (typeof(Shell_EnablePageButtons)
!= "undefined") Shell_EnablePageButtons(); // We'll restore the cursor now to
guard against an endless loop or a script // timeout in Ultimate_OnLoad()
WaitCursor.RestoreCursor(); if (typeof(Ultimate_OnLoad) != 'undefined')
Ultimate_OnLoad(); }
function Body_OnBeforeUnload() { if (g_SkipBeforeUnload) return; if
(typeof(Shell_OnBeforeUnload) != "undefined") Shell_OnBeforeUnload(); if
(typeof(Workspace_OnBeforeUnload) != "undefined") Workspace_OnBeforeUnload();
if (typeof(oXMLDataSpace) != "undefined" && oXMLDataSpace != null)
oXMLDataSpace.Save(); }
function Body_OnUnload() { if (typeof(Workspace_OnUnload) != "undefined")
Workspace_OnUnload(); if (typeof (Shell_OnUnload) != "undefined")
Shell_OnUnload(); }
function RenderGridObjectTag(sTargetID, sObjectID, sCLSID, sAccessKey,
sWidth, sHeight, sMarginBottom, sAlt) { var oTarget =
document.getElementById(sTargetID); if (typeof(oTarget) != 'undefined') { var
sObjectTag = ''; sObjectTag += '

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