Setting an unbound `report text box in teh "detail PRINT event"


Brad Pears

I have a report where I have an unbound text box as one of the detail line
fields. At time of printing, I want to set that detail line to a value. I
set up my code in the "On Print" event for the detail section to check some
things and then I assign a value to the unbound text box.

However, when the code runs, it errors out stating I can;t set the text box
value because the control I am setting does not currently have focus.

How can I get what I want done?



Rick B

Why are you doing it in the ON PRINT event? Why not just put the desired
data in the unbound text box and let it load when you open the report?

Brad Pears

Yes, you are correct - there was an easier way - which is basically what you
were describing...

Thanks, Brad

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