Setting Up a Data Connection on a SharePoint Page Connecting to a Project Server Database




I'm having problems setting up a data connection on a SharePoint page
using FrontPage 2003. The table that I would like to display in
SharePoint is located in the Project Server database. I have tried the
following using the Configure Database Connection wizard:

1. Server Name (I entered the server name in this box)
2. Windows Authentication (my username and password for my Active
Directory account has read-only access directly on the database)

I get the following error:

Server Error: An error occurred while retrieving the list of Databases
from <Server Name>: The data retrieval service encountered an error
during connection to the data source.

I can use my same Windows Authentication credentials using Toad for SQL
Server and can connect and browse the database just fine.

I also tried the entering a Custom Connection String:

Provider=SQLOLEDB.1; Data Source=<Domain\Server Name>; Initial
Catalog=ProjectServer; User id=<User Name>; Password=<Password>

I get the same error as stated above. If I change my username to
something stupid that does not exist then I get an authentication error
which tells me that my username is not the issue.

Any help would be appreciated.

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