Sharing documents and Built-In Headings and Style naming issues



We created a document based on a template other than In that
template, we have customized our Built-In Headings 1-9, TOC 1-9 and certain
innate styles, like Footnote Text and Footnote Reference, but did not change
the built in names, for example, "Heading 1". We shared the document with
another company, and when we got it back from them, the heading and style
names changed to, for example, "Heading 1,h1" or "Footnote reference, fr".
We use a numbering toolbar to apply Heading 1-9, and Word tells me that
Headings 1-9 don't exist in my document anymore. Is there a way to
programatically return the heading and footnote styles to their built in
names without going into the Organizer?


When you use Word's default styles (which is good) it is quick and easy to
alter them by attaching a template and updating the styles.

They use ", aliasname" which shows H1, fr etc instead of the full style name
"Heading 1,H1" as they work. They could also have manually renamed each of
your styles with a ",aliasname".

You can reattach your template and checkbox update styles and then uncheck
update styles - if you still see the alias ",H1" then you need to manually
rename each H1-9 TOC1-9 Footnote reference by removing ",aliasname" from the
style name.

To attempt to avoid this in future you can use your own styles and not
Heading 1-9 default styles. It is a little more work to create the template
but other firms will not be so keen to update your styles, as they cannot
update Heading 1,H1 by attaching their default template. They can of course
edit your styles and give them aliases though, but if they don't change the
name and just add the alias you can just reattach your template and update
styles and uncheck update styles after doing so.

You could send them a PDF document in future to prevent them editing your
document. You can also lock them out by limiting formatting styles in use
but that can get messy and they would just reproduce your document with
their own styles (usually)!



CJ forgot it was a VBA group - try below macro courtesy of Helmut Weber.

‘Helmut Weber – remove aliases
Sub Test7c()
Dim s As Style
For Each s In ActiveDocument.Styles
If InStr(s, ";") Then
s = Mid(s, 1, InStr(s, ";"))
End If
End Sub


CJ alter:
; to be ,

Janine said:
CJ forgot it was a VBA group - try below macro courtesy of Helmut Weber.

‘Helmut Weber – remove aliases
Sub Test7c()
Dim s As Style
For Each s In ActiveDocument.Styles
If InStr(s, ";") Then
s = Mid(s, 1, InStr(s, ";"))
End If
End Sub

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