sheet2 automation from sheet1

  • Thread starter deepika :excel help
  • Start date

deepika :excel help

In sheet1 the structure is like the following

colA col B Col C Col D prj task name
1 A read Joy
2 B write Mary
3 A test Joy
4 C read Bary
5 C write Bary
6 B test Mary
7 B modify Bary

Sheet1 is dynamic in terms of rows.. so everyday it may be growing.

In sheet 2 i want the structure as

Col A Col B Col C col D ENO name prj task
1 12345 Joy A read
2 12323 Mary B write
3 76456 Bary C read
B modify

What should I write in order to bring in an attached to a name in
sheet2.the headings are static. as well as i have bring in the name from
sheet1 only once and prj also once if it has many tasks...
sheet2 has to be automated from sheet1 on clicking a macro.Also ENO in
sheet2 is not available in sheet1 . i need to automatically assign it in
sheet2 for a particular name

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